Drag Queens from the Neighborhood

Drag Queens from the Neighborhood

  • Jan 29, 2024
  • Cleber Arruda, com edição de Vagner de Alencar.
  • Terra

Drag Queens from the Neighborhood
Meet 6 fabulous artists from the outskirts of São Paulo

The world’s premier drag race is now on air with its Brazilian edition: RuPaul's Drag Race Brasil. And while they represent us there, let’s highlight other talented artists from our peripheries. Check them out below:

Márcia Pantera
Creator of the "Bate Cabelo" movement, Márcia is from Brasilândia, in the northern zone of São Paulo. She is one of Brazil’s leading drag queens, a beauty brand ambassador, and the "inspirational muse" of designer Alexandre Herchcovitch. She has appeared on the covers of national and international magazines, acted in films, performed in nightclubs, and participated in the 1st edition of the LGBT+ Pride Parade.

Dhiana D'Água
From Jardim Romano in the eastern zone of São Paulo, the artist has been active for 10 years. She is the founder of Coletivo Acuenda and creates projects such as Cabaret D'Água, Concurso Drag D'Água, and Karaokêra Kerida. She is one of the creators of the Drag Map, which mapped drag queens in the east and south zones, as well as the Alto Tietê region.

Helena Black
An artist from Pirituba, in the northwestern zone of São Paulo, Helena is considered Brazil's first drag queen storyteller. She created the project "Mamãe, Tem Uma Drag Queen Contando Histórias" (Mom, There's a Drag Queen Telling Stories), featuring LGBTQIAP+ tales and fables.

Silvetty Montilla
With over three decades of career, Silvetty is from Tremembé, in the northern zone of São Paulo, and an icon in São Paulo's nightlife scene. She frequently appears on TV programs such as "TV Fama" (Rede TV), "Programa Eliana" (SBT), and the TV Globo comedy show "Toma Lá". Her YouTube channel has over 85,000 subscribers.

Winner of the second season of the web reality show Favela Drag (2023) and champion of the Mix Music Festival in the drag category (2022). She lives in the Sapopemba neighborhood in the eastern zone of São Paulo and works at Cabaret da Cecília in the city center. Along with friends Divana and Calêndula, she created the show "Cabaret das Drags".

Tia Franny
Tia Franny, or Franny Aroera Tibira, is considered the first drag queen from Parelheiros, a district in the extreme south of São Paulo. A makeup artist and producer, Tia Franny performs as a drag queen in peripheral cultural spaces, always highlighting the region where she lives.

Production: Agência Mural
By Cleber Arruda, edited by Vagner de Alencar.


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