Sep 09, 2024
Afro Paty
BEGINNING - Crossing the boundary between the dreamlike and ordinary life, seven figures move through realities, inviting the audience to find a path. They pass through crossroads, dreams, rivers, planets, and nightmares, seeking a common place to land. MIDDLE - To whom is the dream possible? And the nightmare, is it just our reality? How does it feel to claim the street when eyes are always already upon us? Can we embrace the dreamlike and lyrical? Perhaps in fiction, we can share our other side. BEGINNING - The day begins, routine awakens, and life moves on. Are you awake? Debris takes voice, a pact is made at the crossroads, paint peels from walls, and a television prophesies our end. Floating above, enchantments dance and weave, feeding off your journey, while gravity becomes a faint memory. Safe travels!
TRUPE EM TRÂNSITO is a street collective that was born from territorial organization in early 2023, through a movement to occupy public spaces in the eastern region of São Paulo. Its aim is to fill local squares and parks with art and culture, always prioritizing the presence of local artists and people from the LGBTQIAPN+ and non-white communities.
Cast: Alexya Manente, Calu Batista, Filipe Cipó, Hiar Eliza, Joab Rodrís, Legina Leandro, Xeg Lee Playwriting: Collective Artistic Preparation and Guidance: Cida Almeida, Diogo Granato, Salloma Salomão Musical Direction: Alexya Manente Musical Compositions: Alexya Manente, Joab Rodrís, Legina Leandro Sound Design: André Papi Costume Design and Visual Arts: A TRANSÄLIEN and TRASHrealoficial (Dayony Moura) Set Design: Calu Batista Head of Serpents: Italo Lago "Eyes" Props: Filipe Cipó Caramel Masks: Trambyque Scenography: Zé Da Hora Inflatable Architecture Workshop: Coletivo Flutua Production Direction: Calu Batista Conception and Argument: Legina Leandro Realization: TRUPE EM TRÂNSITO